How to test whether method return type matches List<String>

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 02:49:01


What is the easiest way to test (using reflection), whether given method (i.e. java.lang.Method instance) has a return type, which can be safely casted to List<String>?

Consider this snippet:

public static class StringList extends ArrayList<String> {}  public List<String> method1(); public ArrayList<String> method2(); public StringList method3(); 

All methods 1, 2, 3 fulfill the requirement. It's quite easy to test it for the method1 (via getGenericReturnType(), which returns instance of ParameterizedType), but for methods2 and 3, it's not so obvious. I imagine, that by traversing all getGenericSuperclass() and getGenericInterfaces(), we can get quite close, but I don't see, how to match the TypeVariable in List<E> (which occurs somewhere in the superclass interfaces) with the actual type parameter (i.e. where this E is matched to String).

Or maybe is there a completely different (easier) way, which I overlook?

EDIT: For those looking into it, here is method4, which also fulfills the requirement and which shows some more cases, which have to be investigated:

public interface Parametrized<T extends StringList> {     T method4(); } 


Solving this in general is really not easy to do yourself using only the tools provided by Java itself. There are a lot of special cases (nested classes, type parameter bounds,...) to take care of. That's why I wrote a library to make generic type reflection easier: gentyref. I added sample code (in the form of a JUnit test) to show how to use it to solve this problem: Basically, you just call GenericTypeReflector.isSuperType using a TypeToken (idea from Neil Gafter) to see if List<String> is a supertype of the return type.

I also added a 5th test case, to show that an extra transformation on the return type (GenericTypeReflector.getExactReturnType) to replace type parameters with their values is sometimes needed.


I tried this code and it returns the actual generic type class so it seems the type info can be retrieved. However this only works for method 1 and 2. Method 3 does not seem to return a list typed String as the poster assumes and therefore fails.

public class Main { /**  * @param args the command line arguments  */ public static void main(String[] args) {     try{         Method m = Main.class.getDeclaredMethod("method1", new Class[]{});         instanceOf(m, List.class, String.class);         m = Main.class.getDeclaredMethod("method2", new Class[]{});         instanceOf(m, List.class, String.class);         m = Main.class.getDeclaredMethod("method3", new Class[]{});         instanceOf(m, List.class, String.class);         m = Main.class.getDeclaredMethod("method4", new Class[]{});         instanceOf(m, StringList.class);     }catch(Exception e){         System.err.println(e.toString());     } }  public static boolean instanceOf (         Method m,          Class<?> returnedBaseClass,          Class<?> ... genericParameters) {     System.out.println("Testing method: " + m.getDeclaringClass().getName()+"."+ m.getName());     boolean instanceOf = false;     instanceOf = returnedBaseClass.isAssignableFrom(m.getReturnType());     System.out.println("\tReturn type test succesfull: " + instanceOf + " (expected '"+returnedBaseClass.getName()+"' found '"+m.getReturnType().getName()+"')");     System.out.print("\tNumber of generic parameters matches: ");     Type t = m.getGenericReturnType();     if(t instanceof ParameterizedType){         ParameterizedType pt = (ParameterizedType)t;         Type[] actualGenericParameters = pt.getActualTypeArguments();         instanceOf = instanceOf             && actualGenericParameters.length == genericParameters.length;         System.out.println("" + instanceOf + " (expected "+ genericParameters.length +", found " + actualGenericParameters.length+")");         for (int i = 0; instanceOf && i < genericParameters.length; i++) {             if (actualGenericParameters[i] instanceof Class) {                 instanceOf = instanceOf                         && genericParameters[i].isAssignableFrom(                             (Class) actualGenericParameters[i]);                 System.out.println("\tGeneric parameter no. " + (i+1) + " matches: " + instanceOf + " (expected '"+genericParameters[i].getName()+"' found '"+((Class) actualGenericParameters[i]).getName()+"')");             } else {                 instanceOf = false;                 System.out.println("\tFailure generic parameter is not a class");             }         }     } else {         System.out.println("" + true + " 0 parameters");     }     return instanceOf; } public List<String> method1() {     return null; } public ArrayList<String> method2() {     return new ArrayList<String>(); } public StringList method3() {     return null; } public <T extends StringList> T method4() {     return null; } 

This outputs:

 Testing method: javaapplication2.Main.method1         Return type test succesfull: true (expected 'java.util.List' found 'java.util.List')         Number of generic parameters matches: true (expected 1, found 1)         Generic parameter no. 1 matches: true (expected 'java.lang.String' found 'java.lang.String') Testing method: javaapplication2.Main.method2         Return type test succesfull: true (expected 'java.util.List' found 'java.util.ArrayList')         Number of generic parameters matches: true (expected 1, found 1)         Generic parameter no. 1 matches: true (expected 'java.lang.String' found 'java.lang.String') Testing method: javaapplication2.Main.method3         Return type test succesfull: false (expected 'java.util.List' found '')         Number of generic parameters matches: true 0 parameters Testing method: javaapplication2.Main.method4         Return type test succesfull: true (expected '' found '')         Number of generic parameters matches: true 0 parameters 


This thread on the forums might be helpful (although I have to admit I didn't understand everything they said).


I think you are already on the right track. Just keep using getGenericSuperclass() and getGenericInterface() until you start getting parameterized types back...

So basically:

//For string list ParameterizedType type = (ParameterizedType)StringList.class.getGenericSuperclass(); System.out.println( type.getActualTypeArguments()[0] );  //for a descendant of string list Class clazz = (Class)StringListChild.class.getGenericSuperclass(); ParameterizedType type = (ParameterizedType)clazz.getGenericSuperclass(); System.out.println( type.getActualTypeArguments()[0] ); 

You'd want to build something that was recursive that would check for this--maybe even go up the chain looking for java.util.List.
