I have this one working but it is so damn slow on jpeg images and also needs some changing.
I need to know the individual colours in an image (with a tolerance of +/- 1 for RGB) and the % of the image that is that colour.
so if an image was black and white it would say something like White : 74% Black : 26%
The code below works like I said but I need to add a tolerance system as well and I have no idea on how I would do that.
private Dictionary<string, string> getPixelData(Bitmap image) { Dictionary<string, string> pixelData = new Dictionary<string, string>(); //int col, row; //int r, g, b; Color pixel; double offset = 0.000001; int hmm = (image.Height * image.Width); double current = 0; offset = 100 / double.Parse(hmm.ToString());// 0.01;// 100 / (image.Height * image.Width) * 10000; try { for (int i = 0; i < image.Height; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < image.Width; j++) { current = current + offset; pixel = image.GetPixel(i, j); pixelData.Add(i + "," + j, (pixel.R.ToString() + " " + pixel.G.ToString() + " " + pixel.B.ToString())); pBarprocess.Value = int.Parse(Math.Floor(current).ToString()); pBarprocess.Update(); Application.DoEvents(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to parse image " + ex); } return pixelData; }
And the other function
private void btnProcess_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { pBarprocess.Value = 0; pBarprocess.Enabled = false; Bitmap foo = Bitmap.FromFile(@txtFileName.Text) as Bitmap; Dictionary<string, string> pixelData = new Dictionary<string, string>(); lblProcess.Text = "Processing pixel map"; pixelData = getPixelData(foo); lblProcess.Text = "Calculating Density"; lblProcess.Update(); var distinctList = pixelData.Values.Distinct().ToList(); Console.WriteLine("DL = " + distinctList.Count); double offset = 100 / double.Parse(distinctList.Count.ToString()); double current = 0; foreach (var value in distinctList) { IEnumerable<string> query = pixelData.Values.Where(fruit => fruit == value); double perc = (double.Parse(query.Count().ToString()) / double.Parse(pixelData.Count.ToString())) * 100; Console.WriteLine(value + " = " + query.Count() + "(" + perc + "%)"); txtAnalysis.Text = "Colour " + value + " : " + query.Count() + " (" + perc.ToString() + "%)\r\n" + txtAnalysis.Text; txtAnalysis.Update(); pBarprocess.Value = int.Parse(Math.Floor(current).ToString()); pBarprocess.Update(); Application.DoEvents(); } lblProcess.Text = "Finished."; pBarprocess.Value = 0; pBarprocess.Enabled = false; }