I need to export customer records from database of mongoDB. Exported customer records should not have duplicated values. "firstName+lastName+code" is the key to DE-duped the record and If there are two records present in database with same key then I need to give preference to source field with value other than email.
customer (id,firstName,lastName,code,source
) collection is this.
If there are record 3 records with same unique key and 3 different sources then i need to choose only one record between 2 sources(TV,internet){or if there are n number of sources i need the one record only}not with the 'email'(as email will be choosen when only one record is present with the unique key and source is email) query using:
`db.customer.aggregate([ { "$match" : { "active" : true , "dealerCode" : { "$in" : [ "111391"]} , "source" : { "$in" : [ "email","TV","internet"]}}}, {$group:{"_id":{ "firstName":"$personalInfo.firstName", "lastName":"$personalInfo.lastName", "code":"$vehicle.code"}, "source":{ $addToSet:{"source":"$source"} } } }, {$redact: {$cond:[{$eq:[{$ifNull:["$source","other"]},"email"]},"$$PRUNE","$$DESCEND"]} }, {$project: {"source": {$map: {"input": {$cond:[ {$eq:[{$size:"$source"},0]},[{"source":"email"}],"$source"] },"as":"inp","in":"$$inp.source"} }, "record":{"_id":1} } } ])`
sample output: { "_id" : { "firstName" : "sGI6YaJ36WRfI4xuJQzI7A==", "lastName" : "99eQ7i+uTOqO8X+IPW+NOA==", "code" : "1GTHK23688F113955" }, "source" : [ "internet" ] } { "_id" : { "firstName" : "WYDROTF/9vs9O7XhdIKd5Q==", "lastName" : "BM18Uq/ltcbdx0UJOXh7Sw==", "code" : "1G4GE5GV5AF180133" }, "source" : [ "internet" ] } { "_id" : { "firstName" : "id+U2gYNHQaNQRWXpe34MA==", "lastName" : "AIs1G33QnH9RB0nupJEvjw==", "code" : "1G4GE5EV0AF177966" }, "source" : [ "internet" ] } { "_id" : { "firstName" : "qhreJVuUA5l8lnBPVhMAdw==", "lastName" : "petb0Qx3YPfebSioY0wL9w==", "code" : "1G1AL55F277253143" }, "source" : [ "TV" ] } { "_id" : { "firstName" : "qhreJVuUA5l8lnBPVhMAdw==", "lastName" : "6LB/NmhbfqTagbOnHFGoog==", "code" : "1GCVKREC0EZ168134" }, "source" : [ "TV", "internet" ] }
This is a problem with this query please suggest :(