Face pattern for boxes in boxplots

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 02:31:01


I would like to do something of the sort (using matplotlib):

(from Colorfill boxplot in R-cran with lines, dots, or similar)

I saw some info about hatch(ing)? But I really can't make heads or tails on how to use this.

Also I find myself wondering how can I change parameters like the possible attributes of a boxprop dict -- used in plt.boxplot(..., boxprops=boxpropsdict). Is it possible to just have a list of all the possible attributes for this?


The important aspect is to set patch_artist=True when calling boxplot.

import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  # fake up some data spread= np.random.rand(50) * 100 center = np.ones(25) * 50 flier_high = np.random.rand(10) * 100 + 100 flier_low = np.random.rand(10) * -100 data = np.concatenate((spread, center, flier_high, flier_low), 0)  # basic plot bp = plt.boxplot(data, patch_artist=True)  for box in bp['boxes']:     # change outline color     box.set(color='red', linewidth=2)     # change fill color     box.set(facecolor = 'green' )     # change hatch     box.set(hatch = '/')  plt.show() 

The basic plot example is taken from the boxplot demo. However, none of those examples set patch_artist=True. If that statement is omitted, you will get this error:

AttributeError: 'Line2D' object has no attribute 'set_facecolor'

The boxplot demo 2 shows in great detail, how rectangles can be fitted to the boxplot in order to obtain coloring. This blog points to the option of the patch_artist.
For more ideas about hatches, refer to the hatch demo. The example above produces this figure:
