Jsch or SSHJ or Ganymed SSH-2?

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 01:38:01


  1. I need to connect to server(username,pasw,host)-- easy

  2. enter 3-10 commands -- command="dir;date;cd;dir" is there an easier way ?, without writing 20 lines: while(smtng) { a lot of stuff+ mysterious print to scr:D }

  3. download a file-- easy

  4. write another downloaded file to the same file (add not owerride) -- any ideas how?

So to perform these increadible easy tasks, which might seem impossible if you dare to use Jsch(awsome documentation), there is a choise between Jsch,sshj,Ganymed any suggestions?


2) multiple commands entering

4) adding to the existing txt file more txt :D (probably there is a build in command) or not?

  /* just for download/owerride : sftpChannel.get("downloadfile.txt", "savefile.txt");*/ 


I can't comment on the others but Ganymed works very well indeed.


I don't know about Ganymed. But I have used JSch extensively for remote login and script executions. I used google Expect4j with Jsch for executing scripts on remote machines in expect mode(send/wait). You can get the whole output of executed command or scripts in your code using JSch/Expect4j/Clousers.

For jsch, go to http://www.jcraft.com/jsch/
For Expect4j, go to http://code.google.com/p/expect4j/

Following is small code sample for log in and executing file fro remote java class.

private Expect4j SSH(String hostname, String username,String password, int port) throws Exception {     JSch jsch = new JSch();     Session session = jsch.getSession(username, hostname, port);     if (password != null) {                  session.setPassword(password);     }     Hashtable config = new Hashtable();     config.put("StrictHostKeyChecking", "no");     session.setConfig(config);     session.connect(60000);     channel = (ChannelShell) session.openChannel("shell");     Expect4j expect = new Expect4j(channel.getInputStream(), channel.getOutputStream());     channel.connect();           return expect; } 

This method will open up SSH stream to remote server which will be used by expect4j for sending commands.

private boolean executeCommands() {         boolean isSuccess = true;         Closure closure = new Closure() {             public void run(ExpectState expectState) throws Exception {                 buffer.append(expectState.getBuffer());//buffer is string buffer for appending output of executed command                              expectState.exp_continue();             }         };         List lstPattern =  new ArrayList();         String[] regEx = SSHConstants.linuxPromptRegEx;           if (regEx != null && regEx.length > 0) {             synchronized (regEx) {                 for (String regexElement : regEx) {//list of regx like,  :>, /> etc. it is possible command prompts of your remote machine                     try {                         RegExpMatch mat = new RegExpMatch(regexElement, closure);                         lstPattern.add(mat);                                             } catch (MalformedPatternException e) {                                              return false;                     } catch(Exception e) {                                               return false;                     }                 }                 lstPattern.add(new EofMatch( new Closure() { // should cause entire page to be collected                     public void run(ExpectState state) {                     }                 }));                 lstPattern.add(new TimeoutMatch(defaultTimeOut, new Closure() {                     public void run(ExpectState state) {                     }                 }));             }         }         try {             Expect4j expect = SSH(objConfig.getHostAddress(), objConfig.getUserName(), objConfig.getPassword(), SSHConstants.SSH_PORT);             expect.setDefaultTimeout(defaultTimeOut);                    if(isSuccess) {                 for(String strCmd : lstCmds)                     isSuccess = isSuccess(lstPattern,strCmd);             }             boolean isFailed = checkResult(expect.expect(lstPattern));             return !isFailed;         } catch (Exception ex) {                         return false;         } finally {             closeConnection();         }     }   private boolean isSuccess(List objPattern,String strCommandPattern) {         try {                boolean isFailed = checkResult(expect.expect(objPattern));              if (!isFailed) {                 expect.send(strCommandPattern);                          expect.send("\r");                               return true;             }              return false;         } catch (MalformedPatternException ex) {                 return false;         } catch (Exception ex) {             return false;         } }   


Ganymed now has a new home at Google Code where it is maintained. Recently patches for improved transfer rate have been commited among others.
