I've got what appears to be a common scenario. I have a page where someone fills out a form and rather than redirecting to a different thank you page all the tracking needs to take place on the same page.
I found this link here that explains a solution which I implemented as per the below after a successful submission (conversion ID is 11111111 and the label is 22222222).
$("#conversion-script").prop('src', '//www.googleadservices.com/pagead/conversion.js'); $("#ga-code img").prop('src', '//www.googleadservices.com/pagead/conversion/11111111/?value=0&label=22222222&guid=ON&script=0');
When this gets executed I'm monitoring the network tab for developer tools and see that the GoogleAdServices.com address gets called successfully, and not only that but I have Google Tag Assistance (Chrome extension) running and when this event fires it comes up under "Tags Found" and says "working".
When I check the adwords account however, it's not showing up. I've confirmed that the tracking codes are all correct, and the first one was made 7 days ago.