I have a local (OSX 11) mosquitto broker (1.4.7) running with the following config:
connection test address test.mosquitto.org topic in_topic in 0 topic out_topic out 0 try_private false notifications false bridge_attempt_unsubscribe true
I got the conf settings form here: bridge local mosquitto to cloud broker (thanks)
I now have 3 terminals.
A: subscribed to test.mosquitto.org directly using a ruby script and ruby-mqtt
B: subscribed to local broker with mosquitto_sub -t in_topic
C: publishes using this command: mosquitto_pub -h test.mosquitto.org -t in_topic -m "hello world1"
Now, when I do this I get the response in A and B so that makes me think my bridging connection is working. However, if I drop the -h test.mosquitto.org
I don't get the message from A. So, the message is only going to that broker (test.mosquitto.org) if I include the -h
On the other hand, if I stop the local mosquitto broker and then run the same command including the -h
option then the A still gets the message and B doesn't. B actually doesn't even start up since the connection is refused since local broker is not running.
So, my question is, does this configuration actually establish that the brokers are bridging? I am not sure.
Update: As hardillb pointed out my mistake was that the topic that I was using to publish was not configured to publish out to the other broker. When I updated the conf to topic in_topic out 0
I succeeded in getting the message directly from the test.mosquitto.org broker without including the -h test.mosquitto.org
in other words. The message propagated based on the configuration.
The documentation for what I got wrong can be found under the bridging section here: http://mosquitto.org/man/mosquitto-conf-5.html