How to see the output in pexpect?

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 01:08:02


I have write this program:

[mik@mikypc ~]$ cat   #!/usr/bin/env python   # This connects to the rediris ftp site  #   import pexpect  child = pexpect.spawn('ftp')   child.expect('Name .*: ')  child.sendline('anonymous')  child.expect('ftp> ')  child.sendline('')  child.expect('ftp> ')  child.sendline('lcd /tmp')  child.expect('ftp> ')  child.sendline('pwd')  child.expect('ftp> ')  child.sendline('bye')  [mik@mikypc ~]$ ./  [mik@mikypc ~]$  [mik@mikypc ~]$  [mik@mikypc ~]$  

But I cannot see the output. How could I see it?. I don't see anything when I execute it. How could I see the output?.


From the pexpect docs:

After each call to expect() the before and after properties will be set to the text printed by child application. The before property will contain all text up to the expected string pattern. The after string will contain the text that was matched by the expected pattern.

So, a print(child.before) in strategic places should fulfill your need.


According to the pexpect doc:

The logfile_read and logfile_send members can be used to separately log the input from the child and output sent to the child. Sometimes you don’t want to see everything you write to the child. You only want to log what the child sends back. For example:

child = pexpect.spawn('some_command') child.logfile_read = sys.stdout 

You will need to pass an encoding to spawn in the above code if you are using Python 3.
To separately log output sent to the child use logfile_send:

child.logfile_send = fout  

See following example:

[STEP 105] # cat import pexpect, sys  re_PS1 = 'bash-[.0-9]+[$#] $'  proc = pexpect.spawn('bash --norc') if len(sys.argv) != 1:     proc.logfile_read = sys.stdout  proc.expect(re_PS1)  proc.sendline("echo hello world") proc.expect(re_PS1)  proc.sendline('exit') proc.expect(pexpect.EOF) proc.close() [STEP 106] # python [STEP 107] # python foo bash-4.4# echo hello world hello world bash-4.4# exit exit [STEP 108] # 


You can also log the output of pexpect to a log file:

child.logfile = open("/tmp/mylog", "w") 

Then every response of sendline will be printed to the log
