the servicemanager's handle id is 0.
#define BINDER_VM_SIZE ((1*1024*1024) -(4096 *2))
“no address space” (in kernel log):This means that the target process (844) did not have the buffer to fit for 1047436 bytes data for the transaction.
<6>[816.318901] binder: 844:1535 transaction failed 29189, size 172-0
<3>[817.554619] binder: 844: binder_alloc_bufsize 1047436failed, no address space
<6>[817.554655] binder: 1292:1292 transaction failed 29201, size 1047436-0
<6>[817.554664] binder: send failed reply for transaction 313696 to 844:3192
“no vma” (in kernel log):This means that the target process is dead or the binder node is closed.
<6>[11899.060433] binder: 31488: binder_alloc_buf, no vma
<6>[11899.064336] binder: 848:863 transaction failed 29201, size 496-4
“TransactionTooLargeException” (in event log): This mostly means that the arguments are too large to fit in the transaction buffer.
[7175,0,,952647237,android.os.TransactionTooLarge Exception,data parcel size 2008820 bytes,,-2]
[0,84038145,112, ctivity,force-crash]
08- 26 20:48:08.656 1311 7792 I wm_task_moved: [111,1,47]
[0,,finishActivity adjustFocus]