
匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-02 22:06:11



  1. *`QUERY_PORT`: Listen port for the http api and web ui; Defaults to 9411
  2. *`QUERY_LOG_LEVEL`: Log level written to the console; Defaults to INFO
  3. *`QUERY_LOOKBACK`: How many milliseconds queries can look back from endTs;Defaults to 7 days
  4. *`STORAGE_TYPE`: SpanStore implementation: one of `mem`, `mysql`, `cassandra`,`elasticsearch`
  5. *`COLLECTOR_PORT`: Listen port for the scribe thrift api; Defaults to 9410
  6. *`COLLECTOR_SAMPLE_RATE`: Percentage of traces to retain, defaults to alwayssample (1.0).

(1)Cassandra Storage配置

  1. * `CASSANDRA_KEYSPACE`: The keyspace to use. Defaults to "zipkin".
  2. * `CASSANDRA_CONTACT_POINTS`: Comma separated list of hosts / ip addresses part of Cassandra cluster. Defaults to localhost
  3. * `CASSANDRA_LOCAL_DC`: Name of the datacenter that will be considered "local" for latency load balancing. When unset, load-balancing is round-robin.
  4. * `CASSANDRA_ENSURE_SCHEMA`: Ensuring cassandra has the latest schema. If enabled tries to execute scripts in the classpath prefixed with `cassandra-schema-cql3`. Defaults to true
  5. * `CASSANDRA_USERNAME` and `CASSANDRA_PASSWORD`: Cassandra authentication. Will throw an exception on startup if authentication fails. No default
  6. * `CASSANDRA_USE_SSL`: Requires `javax.net.ssl.trustStore` and `javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword`, defaults to false.

(2)MySQL Storage配置

  1. * `MYSQL_DB`: The database to use. Defaults to "zipkin".
  2. * `MYSQL_USER` and `MYSQL_PASS`: MySQL authentication, which defaults to empty string.
  3. * `MYSQL_HOST`: Defaults to localhost
  4. * `MYSQL_TCP_PORT`: Defaults to 3306
  5. * `MYSQL_MAX_CONNECTIONS`: Maximum concurrent connections, defaults to 10
  6. * `MYSQL_USE_SSL`: Requires `javax.net.ssl.trustStore` and `javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword`, defaults to false.

(3)Elasticsearch Storage配置

  1. * `ES_CLUSTER`: The name of the elasticsearch cluster to connect to. Defaults to "elasticsearch".
  2. * `ES_HOSTS`: A comma separated list of elasticsearch hostnodes to connect to. When in host:port
  3. format, they should use the transport port, not the http port. To use http, specify
  4. base urls, ex. http://host:9200. Defaults to "localhost:9300". When not using http,
  5. Only one of the hosts needs to be available to fetch the remaining nodes in the
  6. cluster. It is recommended to set this to all the master nodes of the cluster.
  7. If the http URL is an AWS-hosted elasticsearch installation (e.g.
  8. https://search-domain-xyzzy.us-west-2.es.amazonaws.com) then Zipkin will attempt to
  9. use the default AWS credential provider (env variables, system properties, config
  10. files, or ec2 profiles) to sign outbound requests to the cluster.
  11. * `ES_PIPELINE`: Only valid when the destination is Elasticsearch 5.x. Indicates the ingest
  12. pipeline used before spans are indexed. No default.
  13. * `ES_MAX_REQUESTS`: Only valid when the transport is http. Sets maximum in-flight requests from
  14. this process to any Elasticsearch host. Defaults to 64.
  15. * `ES_AWS_DOMAIN`: The name of the AWS-hosted elasticsearch domain to use. Supercedes any set
  16. `ES_HOSTS`. Triggers the same request signing behavior as with `ES_HOSTS`, but
  17. requires the additional IAM permission to describe the given domain.
  18. * `ES_AWS_REGION`: An optional override to the default region lookup to search for the domain
  19. given in `ES_AWS_DOMAIN`. Ignored if only `ES_HOSTS` is present.
  20. * `ES_INDEX`: The index prefix to use when generating daily index names. Defaults to zipkin.
  21. * `ES_DATE_SEPARATOR`: The date separator to use when generating daily index names. Defaults to ‘-‘.
  22. * `ES_INDEX_SHARDS`: The number of shards to split the index into. Each shard and its replicas
  23. are assigned to a machine in the cluster. Increasing the number of shards
  24. and machines in the cluster will improve read and write performance. Number
  25. of shards cannot be changed for existing indices, but new daily indices
  26. will pick up changes to the setting. Defaults to 5.


  1. CREATETABLE IF NOT EXISTS zipkin_spans (
  2. `trace_id_high` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0COMMENT ‘If non zero, this means the trace uses 128 bit traceIds instead of 64bit‘,
  3. `trace_id` BIGINT NOT NULL,
  4. `id` BIGINT NOT NULL,
  5. `name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
  6. `parent_id` BIGINT,
  7. `debug` BIT(1),
  8. `start_ts` BIGINT COMMENT ‘Span.timestamp():epoch micros used for endTs query and to implement TTL‘,
  9. `duration` BIGINT COMMENT ‘Span.duration():micros used for minDuration and maxDuration query‘
  11. ALTERTABLE zipkin_spans ADD UNIQUE KEY(`trace_id_high`, `trace_id`, `id`) COMMENT‘ignore insert on duplicate‘;
  12. ALTERTABLE zipkin_spans ADD INDEX(`trace_id_high`, `trace_id`, `id`) COMMENT ‘forjoining with zipkin_annotations‘;
  13. ALTERTABLE zipkin_spans ADD INDEX(`trace_id_high`, `trace_id`) COMMENT ‘forgetTracesByIds‘;
  14. ALTERTABLE zipkin_spans ADD INDEX(`name`) COMMENT ‘for getTraces and getSpanNames‘;
  15. ALTERTABLE zipkin_spans ADD INDEX(`start_ts`) COMMENT ‘for getTraces ordering andrange‘;
  16. CREATETABLE IF NOT EXISTS zipkin_annotations (
  17. `trace_id_high` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0COMMENT ‘If non zero, this means the trace uses 128 bit traceIds instead of 64bit‘,
  18. `trace_id` BIGINT NOT NULL COMMENT ‘coincideswith zipkin_spans.trace_id‘,
  19. `span_id` BIGINT NOT NULL COMMENT ‘coincideswith zipkin_spans.id‘,
  20. `a_key` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL COMMENT‘BinaryAnnotation.key or Annotation.value if type == -1‘,
  21. `a_value` BLOB COMMENT‘BinaryAnnotation.value(), which must be smaller than 64KB‘,
  22. `a_type` INT NOT NULL COMMENT‘BinaryAnnotation.type() or -1 if Annotation‘,
  23. `a_timestamp` BIGINT COMMENT ‘Used toimplement TTL; Annotation.timestamp or zipkin_spans.timestamp‘,
  24. `endpoint_ipv4` INT COMMENT ‘Null whenBinary/Annotation.endpoint is null‘,
  25. `endpoint_ipv6` BINARY(16) COMMENT ‘Null whenBinary/Annotation.endpoint is null, or no IPv6 address‘,
  26. `endpoint_port` SMALLINT COMMENT ‘Null whenBinary/Annotation.endpoint is null‘,
  27. `endpoint_service_name` VARCHAR(255) COMMENT‘Null when Binary/Annotation.endpoint is null‘
  29. ALTERTABLE zipkin_annotations ADD UNIQUE KEY(`trace_id_high`, `trace_id`, `span_id`,`a_key`, `a_timestamp`) COMMENT ‘Ignore insert on duplicate‘;
  30. ALTERTABLE zipkin_annotations ADD INDEX(`trace_id_high`, `trace_id`, `span_id`)COMMENT ‘for joining with zipkin_spans‘;
  31. ALTERTABLE zipkin_annotations ADD INDEX(`trace_id_high`, `trace_id`) COMMENT ‘forgetTraces/ByIds‘;
  32. ALTERTABLE zipkin_annotations ADD INDEX(`endpoint_service_name`) COMMENT ‘forgetTraces and getServiceNames‘;
  33. ALTERTABLE zipkin_annotations ADD INDEX(`a_type`) COMMENT ‘for getTraces‘;
  34. ALTERTABLE zipkin_annotations ADD INDEX(`a_key`) COMMENT ‘for getTraces‘;
  35. ALTERTABLE zipkin_annotations ADD INDEX(`trace_id`, `span_id`, `a_key`) COMMENT ‘fordependencies job‘;
  36. CREATETABLE IF NOT EXISTS zipkin_dependencies (
  37. `day` DATE NOT NULL,
  38. `parent` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
  39. `child` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
  40. `call_count` BIGINT
  42. ALTERTABLE zipkin_dependencies ADD UNIQUE KEY(`day`, `parent`, `child`);


4.2 代码编写









