
How do I get Flexunit, FlexMojos and Mockolate to work together?

痴心易碎 提交于 2019-12-13 22:12:35
问题 For the past two days, I've been trying to get get FlexUnit, FlexMojos, and Mockolate to work together so that I can run tests in TeamCity, but I have not been having any luck. I have one project on Teamcity currently that uses FlexMojos and the FlexMojos-flexunit that works, however that project is not using Mockolate. The pom for that project looks like this: <project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http:/

Get “Error: unable to resolve '/assets/images/**.png' for transcoding” while building on FlexMojos 4.0-RC2 and Flex SDK

懵懂的女人 提交于 2019-12-11 02:14:24
问题 I get the this "Error: unable to resolve '/assets/images/**.png' for transcoding" while building on FlexMojos 4.0-RC2 and Flex SDK Code is like below [Embed(source='/assets/images/lot_dimensions_bg_4digit.png')] SDK version <flex.sdk.version></flex.sdk.version> Flex Mojos version <flex-mojos.version>4.0-beta-7</flex-mojos.version> Thanks for any help. 回答1: You need to specifically add a dependency for flexmojos-threadlocaltoolkit-wrapper before the compiler dependency.

Maven release:perform seems to break build-helper:add-source

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2019-12-10 19:43:34
问题 I have a fairly simple Flex SWC module that is compiled via the Maven Flexmojos plugin. This module also uses the flexmojos:generate goal during the generate-sources phase to create Actionscript3 equivalents of my Java services & domain classes. The regular sources are housed in src/main/flex and the generated sources are in src/main/flex-generated . The generated sources are NOT checked into Subversion. Like many other flexmojos users I use the build-helper:add-source goal to add this second

maven flexmojos 插件安装配置

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2019-12-07 00:50:58
收集的相关flexmojo学习资源: flexmojos Available versions http://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.sonatype.flexmojos/flexmojos-maven-plugin 在flex项目中使用maven http://www.riadev.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=152 flexmojos-maven-plugin github https://github.com/justinjmoses/flexmojos-introduction flexmojos介绍 https://docs.sonatype.org/display/FLEXMOJOS/Index flexmojos经典博文 http://www.adobe.com/cn/devnet/flex/articles/flex-maven-flexmojos-pt1.html onatype的公共仓库 https://repository.sonatype.org/index.html maven官方公共仓库 http://search.maven.org/ 使用总结: 一直困扰的问题以下: 无法下载flexmojos-maven-plugin、 flex的framework、